Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weight Loss And Metabolism

Weight Loss And Metabolism

Did you know thatweight loss is directly related to the amount of calories we burn? The more calories we burn the more fat we will lose. But how does our body burn calories? The answer is in the ability to control our metabolism. If we can control our metabolism we can control how many calories we burn and therefore, how much fat we lose.

But how do we control our metabolism? Well we can use weight loss pills that increase our metabolism. That is a short term fix and probably not very safe since it increases our heart rate. Plus it isn't very kind to the kidneys. It also puts you on edge and makes you very irritable. So you might lose weight but you'll probably end up alone.

Our goal
is to get our resting metabolism to alevel where we burn as many calories as wetake in, or more if we are trying to lose weight. Since metabolism burns calories even when we sleep, we need to increase the rate our metabolism burns those calories in order to lose weight while we sleep.

Since fat loss is our goal, we need to get our metabolism to point where we lose 1-3lbs a week on average. If we lose too much incorporate too fast we become susceptible to the dreaded “yo-yo” syndrome. Many of us have gone through this. You lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, and finally gain it all back. Chances are that we will gain back all of the weight we lost plus just a little extra as punishment for starving our body.

So how do we boost our metabolism? First, we can include a consistent exercise regimen into our schedule. The exercise doesn't need to be strenuous. Just an increase in ourdaily activity level is allthe effort needed. Taking the stairs, parking further away, going for a walk for example are all little changes that will slowly increase our metabolisms and help us loseweight. Figure out what works best foryou and implement it! Second, we can eat more often, not more, more often. This is by far the toughest to do. Hectic lifestyles lead toterrible eating habits.

There are a multitude of benefits of an increased metabolism. The most obvious is aweight loss which can be permanent as long as the metabolism is fed. Once you have your metabolism where you want it you can free up time and energy. You won’t have to exercise as much and you won’t have to stick to a low fat diet. Youwon't have to eliminate your favorite foods as long as you eat sensibly. Overindulgence is the worst thing we can do.

There are so many health benefits that result from having an increased metabolism. For an in depth discussion on how to increase your metabolism visit

By: Steve Selis
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